5G-SOLUTIONS: Autonomous assets and logistics for smart harbour/port

Home » 5G-SOLUTIONS: Autonomous assets and logistics for smart harbour/port

Overview of the 5G-SOLUTIONS for Smart Ports and Harbours 

The 5G-SOLUTIONS trial on autonomous assets and logistics for smart harbours and ports aims to demonstrate the capabilities of 5G technology to support real-time operation and integration support for autonomous assets in a logistics hub at Herøya, Porsgrunn, Norway. The smart port will be a hub, where autonomous assets are received and served with logistics support. The autonomous test site includes the smart port as well as the logistics solution to the plant cargo loading area, which will be operated in a mixed traffic environment. The test site will have a dedicated autonomous vessel (Birkeland) with autonomous land-based cargo handling assets. This UC will explore the enhanced service offering enabled by 5G technology.

Use Case Data Summary

Location: Herøya, Norway

Dates: Q4-2020, Q2-2021, Q2-2022

Partners involved: Telenor, YARA, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Funding reference: H2020-ICT-2018-3; ICT-19-2019 - Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries.

Funding cycle: June 2019-November 2022.

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